Madden Mobile 2016 Online get on Android

Of all the most anticipated game in Sony's flagship console - Playstation 3, there are two games that begin to grow into a legend who "doubt" of its existence. First, of course, games which have long been promised - Madden Mobile hack from EA. The second title? Is the exclusive series of Team Ico cold hands that could steal the show at E3 three years ago - Madden Mobile. Team Ico big name that is always famous for a variety of innovations and unique work that always makes the anticipation was so high. Unfortunately, until now, no one can ensure the certainty of the presence of this one game.


Sony may already getting bored with the question of when Madden Mobile will be launched on the market. Various problems developing "mysterious" that keeps menerpannya makes this game is not forthcoming, but Sony continues membatalkanya denied altogether. Asked about the presence of Madden Mobile in a recent interview that he did, big boss scew - Shuhei Yoshida sends back unpleasant news for gamers. For the umpteenth time, they can not promise certainty when it will release the game on this one, even for the period 2013 though. But one yanng Sure, they still ensure that Team Ico are now working hard to make it happen, especially in terms of technical and engine they will use.

As a gamer who always loved the works of Team Ico, Madden Mobile absence of Sony's planned release in 2013 of course be disappointing news. But with the presence of rumors Playstation 4 "Orbis" which will be introduced in 2013 and released in 2014, it was likely that Madden Mobile will be "transformed" into Sony's next-gen project. We'll wait

FIFA 17 Reviews for Best Soccer game on Android

EA some time ago has announced the expansion pack for the game of simulation-strategy their mainstay, FIFA 17. The expansion pack will carry the name FIFA 17 Deep Ocean.

Some other new things have been prepared in the Deep Ocean expansion pack. A number of new missions and scenarios that will accompany the player for a few hours of games EA aan included in the expansion pack. S.A.A.T group, better known as the "Tech" in FIFA 17 will get additional new population class, the "Genius". The population class will open up some new units and buildings that can be earned by the players.


In addition to some of these, Deep Ocean also brought some additional interesting content related to the title diusungnya, the depths of the ocean. Players will be able to build trade line route in the depths of the oceans. Some of the new buildings that can be placed in the depths of the ocean was also introduced in the expansion pack. Lastly, a disaster associated with it sea, tsunami, will also be present to FIFA 17 through the expansion pack.

Deep Ocean expansion pack scheduled for release towards the end of the year, without notification of the exact release date EA. Moreover, what price will be pegged to the expansion pack is also not reported and visit

NBA Live Mobile: A Game RPG or Sport?

Creative industries in Japan are to appear as a unity that can not be separated from one another. All are interrelated and should be recognized, influence each other. Among all of them, and anime game industry can be considered a two industries that have the closest relationship. They exchange plot ideas, concepts, franchise, to things like visualization. Games such as Ni No Kuni be the most tangible evidence of cooperation. But you know, there is a another RPG game which is now prepared with characteristics that are not much different? Meet NBA Live Mobile (Tokitowa)!


You may often see a variety of pieces of anime-style cut-scenes at some of the Japanese RPG game, like the Tales series or Lunar. Certainly not a few of you who dream to be able to play a full RPG game with anime-style cut-visualization of the scene. If you are one of them, then your dreams will be answered by the latest Playstation 3 exclusive game - Time And Eternity. Game is done by developers Imageepoch and NBA Live Mobile  have indeed made the anime-style visuals as selling the most important. Believe it or not, all the visuals on this game, well animated in battle and the field is the result of drawing hands, like anime and visit


There is no clarity about the release date of this game. Seeing the quality it offers as a RPG game exclusive PS 3, NBA Live Mobile does look promising. Not just visualization, stories and romance are offered in the plot also has a typical anime is so thick. No doubt, this will be the belle Tokitowa new for gamers who also love Japanese anime. A game that is worth the wait.